The Great Pretender

Plagiarism is like being a great pretender because it involves presenting someone else’s work as your own, deceiving others into believing its original. Just like a great pretender assumes a false identity, plagiarists pretend they created something they didn’t. Both involve deception and lack of authenticity.


In my opinion, journalism plagiarism undermines the integrity of the profession and erodes trust with the audience. It’s not just a violation of ethical standards but also a disservice to readers who rely on accurate and original reporting. Plagiarism in journalism tarnishes the credibility of both the individual journalist and the media outlet they represent.

You know the feeling when journalists pass off others’ work as their own; kind of like a knife stab in the back, wherein they betray the trust of their audience, who expect accurate and original reporting. Moreover, plagiarism damages the reputation of the media outlet, casting a shadow of a doubt on the authenticity of their content and their commitment to journalistic ethics.

As a campus journalist myself, campus journalists plagiarizing other journalists’ work is not only unethical but also detrimental to their development as aspiring professionals. Journalism is built on the principles of integrity, honesty, and originality. When budding journalists resort to plagiarism, they not only betray these principles but also hinder their own growth.

Overall, plagiarism deprives them of the opportunity to develop their own voice, critical thinking skills, and ethical compass. Additionally, it undermines the trustworthiness of campus media outlets and damages the reputation of the journalism program. Instead of taking shortcuts, aspiring journalists should focus on honing their craft, conducting thorough research, and producing original content that contributes positively to the field.

The act of plagiarism is akin to assuming a false identity, deceiving others by presenting work as one’s own. In journalism, it erodes trust and undermines the profession’s integrity. It not only violates ethical standards but also betrays the audience’s trust. Plagiarism damages the reputation of journalists and media outlets, hindering the development of aspiring…

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